Publisher Services

Data-driven, hyper-targeted, media agency

  1. Direct Campaigns – Access premium relevant branded demand that engages your users
  2. Mediation Platform – Boost fill rate with a back fill of programmatic, curated marketplaces from some of the top platforms
  3. Brand Safety – Rest assured that all ads are vetted. Take control of how your ad renders
  4. On Time, Fast Payments – Fast and on time payments ranging from NET15 and NET45
  5. Transparent and Detailed Reporting – Get access to our Publisher UI and track your performance in real time
  6. Premium, Branded Advertisers – Pick and choose between over 500 household brands

The big bad world of programmatic advertising can be a difficult place to navigate. Choosing which ad server, video player, DMP and demand partner to work with, as well as keeping up with the latest trends can be a real challenge.

This is where we step in! At Ardenode Media, we understand the ecosystem and work with publishers of all sizes to tailor make technology and programmatic advertising solutions to improve efficiency and maximise yield. We are your one stop connection, linking you to all major programmatic platforms with access to high CPM, PMP and curated marketplace campaigns.

Display Ads

In App Video

In App Video

With Ardenode Media, you will get access to premium CPMs from some of the world’s largest brands. We match the ads so that they are contextually relevant which means users are more engaged, boosting user experience.

Ardenode Media works across all formats; including display, video and audio.

We'd love to work with you

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